I read an article today online in Rolling Stone magazine about the true craziness and background of Michelle Bachmann. I must say, I watched the most recent republican Presidential candidate debate and I thought she did well. I disagree with about 99% of her positions, but she skillfully articulated her ideas and came off as a bajillion times more sane than I expected. I also developed a sliver of respect for her when she mentioned that she has 5 biological children and 23 foster kids, and that was part of her reasoning for respecting the sanctity of life and being staunchly anti-abortion. However, reading the article about her uber-religiousness made me think; so many people in politics are liars and hypocrites.
If I asked any married, conservative, anti-gay politician, “hey did you bang your spouse before your wedding night? Were you a virgin until you got married?” I’m assuming they would get offended. At the very least, they’d tell me it was none of my business. And they’d be 100% right. So why is it that they have embarked on a crusade to interfere in the bedroom activities of others? It really boggles my mind. Also, why do these politicians and Tea Party especially, say they hate government, yet CONTINUE TO RUN IN ELECTIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN GOVERNMENT? REALLY. Also you have Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, possibly running for President. Dude, you were talking about Texas seceding from the United States 2 years ago. Now you want to be President? Word? That’s like Rev. Jerry Falwell wanting to be the Marshall of the Gay Pride parade in San Francisco. GTFOH.
Former President Jimmy Carter was on Bill Maher a few months ago and what I took away from the interview was regardless of the words Democrat and Republican, ideas about how you should treat other people come from who you are as a person. It’s not that Democrats “care about people” and Republicans don’t, it just has to do with the kind of human being you were raised to be and the adult you turned into as a result of your upbringing.
No one is perfect. We are all human, carbon-based life forms full of mistakes, love, evil, hopes n dreams, blood n guts, etc, all of which comprise our unique God-given humanity. We were made in His image, so why do we find the natural state of others (mainly nekkidness) and our differences (mainly homosexuality and differences in religion) so offensive? None of us is more human than another. I have a theory though. I took a look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. I really think that some people have stopped at the self esteem level.
They have chosen to forgo self-actualization and chase self-esteem. Confidence, achievement, having the respect of others and the need to be a unique individual are their main goals. What do all of those add up to? Power. Certain people ruthlessly chase power and have no concern for the casualties they leave behind in their selfish wake.
I don’t want to overly use Republican, Democrat, and American here because the situation is bigger than that. The Republican and Democratic parties have evolved greatly since they were founded, and also, there is no pure way of being “American” since this country was founded on lies, theft, and genocide. *If I have to explain that last sentence to you, then we probably shouldn’t be friends. And I bet you voted for McCain. And cried tears of Confederate-laced sadness when Obeezy won. By the way, he’s still President. And Black, too. You mad?*
Therefore I have come to realize that maybe hypocrisy IS the American way. The Founding Fathers were slave-owners yet fought for “freedom” from British tyranny. I guess I missed the asterisk after “We the People*” . I also missed the footnote that stated by “People” we mean, white, Anglo Saxon, Christian, landowning men. Women, gays, Jews, Blacks, immigrants who did not come to this continent on the Mayflower, and everyone else who isn’t “white enough” will get some rights at later dates and at non-scary, unspecified intervals of time. Assassinations, wars, various protests, and times of social upheaval will follow in pursuit of said rights. We white men will be terrified, but the rest of you will all get some rights in due time. Probably. No guarantees on that.