Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So today the number 2 guy from Al Quaeda today made a statement calling Barack, Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell, “House Negroes”…and had the AUDACITY to invoke the words of the honorable Malcolm X…From Huffington Post:
“The message appeared chiefly aimed at persuading Muslims and Arabs that Obama does not represent a change in U.S. policies. Ayman al-Zawahri said in the message, which appeared on militant Web sites, that Obama is "the direct opposite of honorable black Americans" like Malcolm X, the 1960s African-American rights leader.
In al-Qaida's first response to Obama's victory, al-Zawahri also called the president-elect _ along with secretaries of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice _ "house negroes."
Speaking in Arabic, al-Zawahri uses the term "abeed al-beit," which literally translates as "house slaves." But al-Qaida supplied English subtitles of his speech that included the translation as "house negroes."”

Now many people think that they ARE house negroes; but I disagree. Okay maybe not so much with Condoleeza (she loves her some GW Bush, its true), but Colin Powell regained some dignity when he resigned from the Bush administration and when he endrsed Barack for President.

Okay, so first of all, you have a majority of Americans who are rightly against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq right now. AlQaueda is making a HUGE mistake in dissing the most popular President-elect of modern times. First you have his overwhelming victory and the support of tens of millions of Americans and millions of people overseas who were overjoyed to see Obama win and for the first time in a long time support America because of it. And probably for the first time EVER, you have about 94% of black America who loves their President. For al-Zawahri to essentially call him a “House nigga” is opening a can of worms that he really doesn’t want to mess with. Don’t bring race into this, because that is one argument you will lose. Don’t try to be racist when you are claming that the USA is racist and xenophobic by invading your countries and trying to bring you democracy. We never should have been there in the first place, but your racist rants will only serve to give us a renewed spirit and dare I say, blacks will get behind a miliatry cause like never seen before.

You had the slightly taken out of context quote by Muhammad Ali declaring part of the reason why he refused to enter military service in Vietnam was because “No Vietnamse ever called me nigger”.(the other was being a conscientious objector because of his Muslim faith). The quote was a bit inaccurate, but still displayed the sentiments of many minority Amercans at the time. Now with the Iraq war, we have a lot of people saying that we need to fix things at home before we start meddling abroad. But I GUARAN-DAMN-TEE that if you start bringing out the racist slurs, black America will have a reason to get up in that ass.

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